Course curriculum

    1. Title Page

    2. About The Author

    3. Table of Contents

    4. Introduction

    1. 1.1 The Importance of Purpose in Leadership

    2. 1.2 Inspiring Action Through Purpose

    1. Introduction

    2. 2.1 The Role of Strategy and Tactics in Leadership

    3. 2.2 Essential Qualities of a Leader

    1. 3.1 The Power of Iterative Development

    2. 3.2 Creating Effective Minimum Viable Products

    1. 4.1 The Essence of Level 5 Leadership

    2. 4.2 Harnessing the Power of the Hedgehog Concept

    1. 5.1 Why EQ Often Matters More Than IQ

    2. 5.2: Developing Emotional Intelligence

About this course

  • $9.95
  • 26 lessons

Think Like An Actor

Learn the Performance Secrets of Hollywood Actors for YOUR Presentation.