Course curriculum

    1. Title Page

    2. About The Author

    3. Book Introduction

    4. Table of Contents

    1. 1.1 Definition of Executive Presence

    2. 1.2 The Importance of Executive Presence

    3. 1.3 The Components of Executive Presence

    1. 2.1 Confidence vs. Arrogance

    2. 2.2 Kindling Confidence – The Quarterback Quotient - The 3 P's

    3. 2.3 Confidence, Arrogance, and The Road Ahead

    4. 2.4 Steps to Building Confidence

    5. 2.5 Confidence and Decision Making

    1. 3.1: The Role of Communication in Executive Presence

    2. 3.2: Articulating with Clarity and Persuasion

    3. 3.3 Listening: An Overlooked Skill

    4. 3.4 Improving Speaking Skills

    1. 4.1 The Power of First Impressions

    2. 4.2 The Impact of Appearance

    3. 4.3 Decoding Nonverbal Communication

    4. 4.4: Harmonizing Appearance and Nonverbal Cues: The Symphony of Executive Presence

    1. 5.1 The Role of Influence in Leadership

    2. 5.2 Commanding Respect through Action

    3. 5.3 Inspiring Others: Techniques and Strategies

    4. 5.4 Executive Presence: The Confluence of Influence, Respect, Inspiration, and Empathy

About this course

  • $9.95
  • 45 lessons

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