BehindTheTalk Course #3

Audience Psychology

We explore the various factors that influence how your audience receives and interprets messages and how you can use these insights to resonate with them and leave a lasting impression.

Course curriculum

    1. You Are Who You Are

    2. Imposter Syndrome

    3. Stress

    4. Audience Retention

    5. Audience Connection

    1. The Visual Alliance Teaching Studies

    2. Connecting Stronger To Your Audience

    3. How Else Can We Connect?

    4. Other Audience Connecting Techniques

    5. Being Remembered

    1. Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously

    2. Fred and George

    3. Being Different

    4. Your Protocol to Thinking Differently

    5. Participation and Reward

    1. The Entertainers Perspective

    2. Consider Every Pitfall

    3. Emotion Moves People

    4. The Power of Words

    5. Reasoning

    1. Impromptu Presentations

    2. Presentation Formatting

    3. How To Approach Your Audience

    4. The Roundabout Approach

    5. Soundbites and Metaphors

    6. Keep Things Simple

    1. Writing Your Presentation

    2. Challenge The Silence

    3. Other Benefits of The Pause

    4. Our Greatest Tools

    5. Panic is Not an Option

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 36 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Think Like An Actor

Learn the Performance Secrets of Hollywood Actors for YOUR Presentation.